Dynamicly spawn TileMaps

I’m trying to dynamicly spawn tilemaps as my levels are generated procedurally. Each tilemap is a room, made in the editor, and could be spawned multiple times.

My approach right now is to create a single actor, and adding Tile map components for each room.
This works fine if the generation is done within the constructor, however I need it to be dynamic, so following https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/199144/add-components-dynamically.html I tried the following code :

void AMapGenerator::BeginPlay()

	UPaperTileMapComponent* createdComp = NewObject<UPaperTileMapComponent>();
	if (createdComp)
		createdComp->AttachTo(GetRootComponent(), NAME_None);

The new component isn’t registered upon creation, but RegisterComponent() will give a crash :

Ensure condition failed: MyOwner && MyOwner->GetWorld()

I also thought of using a single huge tilemap and copy parts of my rooms, but I’m not sure that it would be efficient.

What would be the best approach in this case ?

Try passing a value to the Outer parameter of the NewObject function. That will set the owner property of the component so registration can succeed.

UPaperTileMapComponent* createdComp = NewObject<UPaperTileMapComponent>(this);