Trying to match Maya's camera but it is way off

Hi there, so I’ve set up a basic blockout of a scene I’m working on in Maya and decided to import the block out and check it inside of UE4. The first thing I did was drag in the FBX blockout and a camera and then made sure both of them were set to 0,0,0 in the xyz. I then copied and pasted the translate and rotational co-ordinates if the camera in Maya to the camera in UE4 and it seems to be totally off.

Now I understand that Maya and UE4 swith their z and y co-ordinates and I have done so by placing those figures in the proper fields but they still seem to be looking entirely in the wrong direction.

I’ve also changed the Field of view/Angle of view to match as well.

The camera itself is skewed and I noticed when I dragged the camera in to the scene it was pointed 180 degrees in the wrong direction.

Here’s some images, any help would be massively appreciated.

Camera set-up in Maya

Camera in UE4




I use this for transition camera to UE4…

1 MAYA set to Y-Up.

2 Change Rotate Order for camera to ZXY.

In UE4 set Transfom to WORLD (Absolute Location and Rotation)


TX(U) = TX(M)
TY(U) = TZ(M)
TZ(U) = TY(M)

RX(U) = - RZ(M)
RY(U) = RX(M)
RZ(U) = -90 - RY(M) But keep in mind - minus and minus give a plus. RZ(U) = -90 - (-20) = -90 + 20 = -70.

Thank you so much for the reply. I think I followed that properly. The part that confused me though is why do you have to adjust your coordinates to accommodate for negatives. Can you explain that section a little more clearly if possible. Just the parts of where and why the certain axis need to be in negatives.

Is there actually any official documentation on this because it seems like a strange workaround.

Thanks a lot though :slight_smile: