My Item trace doesn't work correctly

I made an inventory for my project, i followed this tutorial: Create a Crafting & Inventory system in Unreal Engine 4 Pt 1: Inventory Widget & Basic pre-Setup - YouTube From BlenderTek. I made the trace item (to pickup the object) exactly as showed but when i trace the object the line doesn’t start at my character but in the middle of the map, It also doesn’t end where i aim my crosshair (i do not use the default crosshair, since i made an main menu where i bug my whole crosshair so i made a new one).

This is the trace script:

What i want to accomplish is the trace to start near my character and end at the object i aimed at. I hope you guys know how to fix this

Thanks in advance

What do you mean with “near my character” ? Do you want a trace that starts at your crosshair?

I want my trace to start where my character is instead of where the middle of the map is. Also the trace doesn’t end where i aim, Sometimes it aims at a wall behind me or further from where i aimed it to be

You need to multiply Max Used Distance by Forward Vector, and use WorldLocation for Start of the trace.

This worked indeed, thank you. i guess i wasn’t paying attention while making it :slight_smile: