How to make particles emit from skeleton/mesh?

I can’t figure out how to make this work. I have looked at the content demo for the fire coming from joints on the animated character, and I’m stuck at one point: “Skel Mesh Actor Param Name”.

In the example, it is set to “SocketBoneActor” but I cannot find this SocketBoneActor anywhere and therefore cannot figure out how to know what parameter to enter in my own effect.

How do I find what to enter here?

Right, so I suppose I will answer my own question… I finally got smoke coming out of a ball.

The instance parameter must be added to the emitter actor which is placed in the scene, this is done via the details pane. The the emitter’s instance parameter should be given a name, its data type changed to PSPT_Actor and the mesh you wish to use selected for it’s actor. Then, the particle system’s “Skel Mesh Actor Param Name” should be edited to reflect the PSPT_Actor name that was just added to the emitter actor.

Sorry for the slow response time, we are working hard to answer as many questions in a timely manner. I am glad you figured this out.