Skeletal Mesh Visibility "Pop-In" Glitch When Using Visibility Track in Matinee

I have a number of skel meshes which need to be hidden in game, until I call their visibility to change. It seems as tho right now the visibility of the skel meshes are working correctly while in the editor, but at runtime (PIE) I see the hidden meshes flicker their visibility on for a split second. Any helpful solutions would be great!

I’ve been trying to locate another question similar to this one, but I cannot find anything. I am still seeing this visibility flicker and it’s starting to feel like a major bug. Does anybody know what I’m talking about with this problem?

Money for an answer perhaps?

Still having this problem in UE 4.21.
If I call SetVisibility/SetHiddenInGame while the animation is playing, it flickers (due to render state update?).
If I only set bVisible/bHiddenInGame, it never changes the visibility. At least until I call MarkRenderStateDirty at the end of the animation. If I call MarkRenderStateDirty while playing, the animation doesn’t play anymore.
How is the correct workflow or is there no way of making it work?