AI movement disrupts input in standalone mode

Test project is attached.

Play in editor

  • Move mouse around: Notice movement is smooth
  • Click and drag mouse: Notice movement is smooth

Play in standalone

  • Move mouse around: Notice movement is smooth

  • Click and drag mouse: Notice movement is choppy but frame rate is good

    Somehow any of following actions show smooth movement but together it is choppy

-Play in Editor

-Do not click mouse button

-Disable “Show Souse Cursor”

-Reduce number of AI

-Do not have AI move around scene

Hi borkulous,

That’s a lot of Characters moving around at once! I would generally recommend not doing that. However, there is clearly a difference between PIE and Standalone (and same issue occurs in a packaged game), and it seems to have more to do with cursor than anything else. I’ve entered a bug report (UE-23871) and included your test project for developers to look over. I’ll post here if I see any update on it. Thanks for report!

For reference, this is now being tracked with UE-24527.