Press key too many times and widget ignores remove from parent

So, I enter a trigger that checks if I have a key, if not and I press “E” once it plays a locked sound and displays a UMG message of “need key…” then fades away(removes from parent after delay). If I press “E” only once it works fine, or if I press once and leave trigger, works fine…If I press the key multiple times the UMG stays on/activated even when leaving the trigger(trigger also has end overlap - remove from parent). How can I have it play correctly even with multiple key presses, EEEEEE, without staying on, and for the record I do not want to use a flip flop due to pressing enough uneven times that when I return it might have flopped to the remove from parent node and making me key press twice before I see the message? Thanks in advance!

It sounds like each time you press E the variable used to store the widget that gets created is being overwritten before the previous widget is removed from the viewport. If that’s the case then check whether a widget already exists and remove it from viewport before creating a new widget.

Here’s an example

Tried to get this to work, can you provide a generic example?

No problem. Added the example to my answer.