how can i migrate a project version 4.9.3 to 4.10?

only method is to select all files and migrate in a project versione 4.10 or exist another method to do this?

Hi Revelage,

Once you have 4.10 installed, open it and Project Browser will open. From here, you can browse to project you want to convert. Select and open it, and it will ask you if you want to make a copy in 4.10. This will create a copy and convert it to 4.10 automatically.

Another method, if you don’t want to make a copy, is to either Convert in Place or right click the .uproject file for project and select 4.10 to open it. These are not recommended, however, as it will not make a copy of project and if there are any problems with conversion, you won’t have a backup and could lose your entire project.

Hope that helps!