Comunication between char BP and actor BP


Im trying to make an snake like game, i already create a “floor” BP that is just an actor, and i have too a character blueprint too that represents the snakes head. I want to make the blueprints comunicate each other so the head of the snake can knows where are the limits of the floor, where is the center of the floor, and in the future to know where are the seeds and obstacles.

how can i make it happen? i already create a variable with the floor bp class in the char bp, but i have no idea what to do next.

Hope you can help me guys!

Instead of calling the floor BP in character BP call the character BP and send the information you like to the character BP. Create the variables and functions you need in your character BP, then in the floor BP Get Player Character > Cast to yourplayercharacter > get/set any variable you like and/or execute functions.

I understand that u advice me that create variables in char BP like “centerPosition” or “isOffTheLimits” and then call this variables in the floor bp right?

why is better to do it that way? i will try of course, im just asking to undersand better and learn, thx!! c:

Yeah. It is a lot easier this way since you can access the player character BP easier than you would the floor BP(or any other actor in your level.) Of course there are occasions where you may need to use a BP interface to send information to multiple actors for instance, but not in this case.