HTML5: ScreenAlignedUVs Texture Node gets flipped


  1. Make an unlit material and plug a ScreenAlignedUVs node into Emissive Color.
  2. Assign to a 3D object that takes up the entire screen space.
  3. PIE. Bottom left is green, top right is red (top left corner is 0,0).
  4. Now Launch to Firefox. Top left is now green, bottom right is red (bottom left corner is 0,0).

So the green channel for this node flips in browser when compared to PIE. Thanks.

Hi bzxo,

I’m not seeing the same issue on my end.

I’m using the Firefox nightly builds that is available from here:

Here is a screenshot of my editor and then from Firefox with the results.



If any additional information, screenshots, or sample project that reproduces on your end I can test. I also tested this with 4.10 binary version from the launcher.

Let me know.
