Saving characters vector in blueprint

Hi, I’ve been trying to save a characters vector for quite some time. I’ve created a save game blueprint called SaveGame1 which stores a vector (checkpoint position) and a string (level name) these are meant to be used by my checkpoint actor (temp actor) to save the vector of the checkpoint itself and the level that the checkpoint is on.


I’ve also created my checkpoint blueprint (temp actor) which is meant to check whether or not a save game object exists. If it doesn’t then it creates a new save game object and stores the value of the check point into a local checkpoint position variable before being saved to the one in the SaveGame1 blueprint. this is the same for the level name as well, although that is just meant to be pushed straight to the level name variable in the SaveGame1 blueprint.

despite my efforts it seems as though the vector/current level name aren’t being saved to the saveGame1 blueprint and I’m not sure why… If anyone could give me an indication as to what I’ve done wrong then that would be great! thanks for your time!