Apex Cloth: "There are no corresponding bones" error

Hi there,

I’ve ran into a pretty weird error when trying to use a Blender to Apex SDK to UE4 workflow:

Here is what I did:

  • Create a cape mesh in Blender and assign two bones (for each shoulder piece) and one root bone to the correspondig parts of the mesh
  • Exported the armature together with the mesh as an fbx using Blender 2.76
  • Imported the fbx into the Apex SDK (tested using 3.2.3 and 2.8.4)
  • Painted the max distance (using the default value of 0.1) on the parts of the mesh that are supposed to simulate
  • Tested the simulation in Apex SDK; everything looks fine
  • Used the generate tangent space button to get rid of the error in UE4
  • Imported the mesh with the skeleton checkbox ticked into UE4, no errors or warnings
  • Opened the Skeletal Mesh in UE4 and added the Apex file, still no errrors or warnings
  • When I try to assign the Apex file to the material the error appears.

This is what the object structure looks like in Blender:

This is the content of the skeleton in UE4:

Apparently someone [here (Link)][3] had the same error but I do not really understand his solution. Help?

Add a bone and set at least one vertex affected by 4 bones.

Wow! Thanks a bunch, I did not think that I would ever get an answer to this (especially since some other of my meshes worked and I never really understood why).

i dont understand!? please help me what do you mean Add a bone and set at least one vertex affected by 4 bones?
That doesnt make any sence for me, what do i have to do? why is this error coming up??

One can also put it like this: At least one vertex has to be a member of at least 4 different vertex groups that are linked to 4 bones. The original answer (by User 0000 here on the answer hub) was related (if I remember this correctly) to blender using float2 and float3 for describing vertices and their corresponding weights while other big packages only differ float1 and 4. And as the Unreal apex importer imports either float1 or 4 too it won’t be able to handle float 2 or 3, hence the weird error appears.