How can I move mesh with lightmap between levels

Hi everyone, this is my first post so I will be very greatfull if You will help me.

Please tell me is it possible to move mesh with baked lightmap in first level to another level.
I have two levels in my project. First with building and second with few rooms. In second level I have nice lighting and when I baked lightmaps, rooms look great. Now I would like move this mesh with baked lightmap to the first level. I can put this mesh into building (using sub-level options) but mesh is without lightmap and I have info that one object needs build light.
Is it possible to creat something like probs but with lightmap?

Thanks for help,

Good question. We’re experiencing a similar problem at the moment - i can’t answer your question but support it. I am sure this one can be figured out.


No, it is impossible . Because all lightmaps are stored inside .umap, but not in assets. Lightmaps are created for assets, which placed in scene.

I’m in for a new format called: .Lmap – Why?

Let’s keep it simple: We’re creating a base map with the main level structure.

At the moment, we’re using sub levels to add extra content like obstacles, game-play assets, features, sounds etc.
Since this base map is used by two and more “game-play types”, we’re changing in-game assets through sub levels, keeping the base as it is. (You don’t want to change “one” thing on three copied base maps over and over during a regular work day). Now we’re looking for a workaround to store the light-maps used from the base map + game asset sub level A, B, C – instead of creating three or more copies from the same map. (And we have a lot of maps + different game modes)

An .Lmap could store the light data from each sub level…and in best case (even if its using more file space) “plus” the data from the persistent base level. This should be an option though… So people could choose just to bake the sub level data “if” light is available…and then placing it into the persistent level.

Example result:
One persistent base level + 3 sub levels with game assets = 3 Lmaps (Lightmap container)


One persistent base level (lets say an simple landscape) + 3 sub levels were each of them got a house with separate indoor light bake going on = 3 Lmaps

I believe certain devs/programmers might wanna scream at me now. :wink:

Happy Black Friday,

You are going to need to use a combination of Static and Dynamic lighting to get the desired effect. The short answer, is you cannot change your lightmaps at run time, as this would defeat the purpose of using baked static lighting altogether. It sounds like you just need to look into level streaming to see how to approach this idea.


Thanks for the information. We will look into that. Personally, would love to use dynamic GI (either LPV or VXGI) all the time, but there are some questions in the team circulating around like:

a) usable for production yet
b) supported on platforms like PS4 and Xbox One
c) slower or faster, performance wise.

Guess we’re not there yet and light bake is the only way to go.

Aye, will read it. The biggest challenge at the moment is that our indoor levels are quite large. Our player drones in the game are approx 10x5x4 meter, a simple wall got 20m in height. These techniques might help to improve the overall quality. Sadly we can’t use sky/sun light, so we have to keep using point and spotlights with high scale settings to get something lit. (Most maps are inside Asteroids/Planetary/Stations, some caves will never see the sunlight) :wink:


You can still get an incredible result and solid performance using fully dynamic lighting in your scenes. It is all about balancing your lights and shadows, and the overall resolution of your shadows at certain distances. A powerful feature which I use in my projects that involve outdoor scenes is Ray Traced Distance Field shadowing and Distance Field Ambient Occlusion (used in the Kite Demo).

Ray Traced Distance Field Soft Shadowing

Distance Field Ambient Occlusion

Hopefully these can give you some idea on how great fully dynamic can be, especially when working with level streaming.


I owe you a german beer. :smiley:

So in that case, I would take a look at World Composition. This does a good job of handling really large landscapes/worlds.

World Composition

You can still use a Skylight, even if it has a very low intensity, you will want to have some type of ambient fill light (especially if you are in space). Eye Adaptation within your post process volume can modify how bright you wish the insides or areas to be. This way you can save resources on adding a bunch of individual lights.