Localization of INI files


I’ve read the docs on localisation and I’ve seen that it basically works either with code macros ((NS)LOCTEXT) or in blueprints. However, a lot of the strings I want to translate are INI-based. Basically I’ve got a lot of CONFIG variables for game objects so they can be easily edited without the need for recompiling.

The page here, https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Gameplay/Localization/Setup/index.html , seems to suggest that ini files can be localised (see below,) however, there is no clear example on how ini files must be formatted or what namespace they might use.

;Gather text from source code and configuration files.

So, I’m kind of stumped. I’d rather not transfer the hundreds of strings I’ve got into cpp files if possible.

I was also wondering if it was possible to do localisation entirely in ini files, without using the commandlets. For instance, some sort of Game\Config\Localization\{culture}.ini which would contain the text values for each culture. This isn’t the ideal solution, I know, but still.

Any help appreciated, thanks!

I’m wondering this too, though I’ve debugged the GatherText commandlet and I’m pretty sure ini file localization isn’t properly implemented yet (despite the misleading SourceFileSearchFilters=*.ini line in the sample localization config file they provide.) Anyone from Epic want to correct me?

Here some news with 4.12 :

To use localization in ini files, We need to use NSLOCTEXT macro, like in C++ files.


MyVariable = NSLOCTEXT(“Namespace”, “Mykey”, “Value to translate”)

But it’s important to notice that only FText variable (or array) works

If you use the macro with FString, you will get the whole line as string => “NSLOCTEXT(“Namespace”, “Mykey”, “Value to translate”)”

I lost 1 day on this :wink: