We are currently experiencing connection issues and are retrying

Hi, “We are currently experiencing connection issues and are retrying” - and so it is all the time I lived in Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek. I want to install Unreal Engin 4, but because of the problems of your connection, nothing happens. I have tried all methods to help your wiki, but to no avail.

Here are the logs:
link text link text

Hello Mastiko,

Try the troubleshooting steps in this section of the troubleshooting guide.

This may allow you to download the editor, but unfortunately, based on your dxdiag, your system does not meet the minimum requirements. A DX11 compatible video card is required. Even if you are able to download the editor, your video card will not be supported.

Hi there, My name is currently residing in India. I recently downloaded the epic games launcher from the website and have been experiencing the same issues. Whenever I try to launch it it keeps saying “We are currently experiencing connection issues and are retrying.” I haven’t been able to open the launcher even once. I am using a DX version 12. I have attached the dxdiag.txt and the logs.link text


Please try the troubleshooting steps here. If this does not resolve your issue, please create a new AnswerHub topic so we can track your issue more easily.