How do you get a texture plane to show on both sides?

So I have this chain link fence texture that I wanna use for this fence and I have a simple plane from Maya and when I put it into unreal It is invisible on the back side of the plane. How can I make it so it shows on both sides of the plane?


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I am going to have the same issue latter in UE4. I would recommend setting this up in Maya. What format are you using to get your static and, or not skeletal mesh into UE4.

Im not exactly sure but heres how it was built.
Its literally a plane and on the other side its just black:

Do I need to copy the plane and face it on the other side? or is there a way to make it where it shows both faces on each side?

As a 3dsmax user, we have a two sided option in the Material editor, I’m guessing its similar in Maya, look for two sided (or opposite), sry I’m not a Maya user but must be very similar to 3ds Max

Well I just found out that there was check box for the two sided option in unreal in the materials option lol

Is the problem solved yet? You should should mark this as answered.