No Generate VS Solution Option for 4.9 files

I’ve been working on getting this resolved for two days to no avail.

I’ve tried reinstalling the version AND the engine itself multiple times. I’ve attempted to move the UnrealVersionSelector.exe file to the Win64 binaries in the 4.9 folder. I even tried changing the run program to the engine itself.

All of these attempts lead no where and I’m all out of ideas. Any suggestions?

Oh, and I’m using VS 2013.

You cannot generate the vs solution from the .uproject file ?

That’s correct. I can’t get the option to show up in VS or the explorer as can be seen below.

Even when I set uproject files to open with the UE4 engine itself I’m met with the following error prompt:


Not sure if this really helps, but here’s the subsequent crash report:

From your crash report, the problem seems to come in FDefaultGameMoviePlayer::StopMovie().
You should try to move all video files you have out of your content directory.

Still it is really weird that the .uproject doesn’t have its correct context menu, even after re-installing…