Referencing my character in a class BP?

Get Player Character instead of Controller. You can also use OnBeginOverlap/EndOverlap events of the collision box > drag from otheractor pin > Cast to yourplayercharacter to see if it is the player overlapping the collision volume.

Okay it’s probably a very basic question because Im just starting to use BP. But I cant find an answer to my question anywhere.
I am trying to make a switch BP that affects many objects in my level. I want it to be usable only in a certain zone around it, so i made a trigger volume and a branch that is supposed to test if the character overlaps.

But the test doesnt work. Somehow I cant find a way to reference my FPS character or my FPS camera in order to test if it overlaps. On the picture you can see I tried with a GetPlayerController node but it doesnt work, and the IsOverlap node won’t accept anything I try to plug in as target (get fps camera, etc).

Can anyone tell me how to test the collision from inside this BP ? or if I’m using a completely wrong process ?

Thanks a lot