Can anyone help?I,ve got a problem with indirect lighting

Can anyone help?I,ve got a problem with indirect lighting

I’ve got a problem with the lighting of the “M_Metal_Copper” and “M_Metal_Gold” Material of the starter content.
If I assign it to a mesh it becomes completly black and has also no shadows.
I have already tried to assig the materials to other meshes, but they ended up the same. If I’m positioning a light shining directly onto the meshes it has no problems. I think it probably doesn’t renders the indirect lighting.
Here’s a picture of what it looks like.

Thanks in advance for any helpfull answers.

Do you have reflection capture actors in the level?

No I don’t. I’ve only got a realy basic setup 'cause I’m new to Unreal

Go to Modes panel on the left > Visual Effects > Sphere Reflection Capture. Drg one into the level, above the table level and you should be able to see reflections on metallic materials. Then you can adjust the radius and place more reflection capture actors to cover the whole level.

It worked.
Thanks for your help.