Mouse input not registered in new level

After loading the game level them ouse input stops wokring correctly, in the new level it only works if I have a mouse bottun held down.

When starting with the New level, i.e. when I’m not loading it from my StartMenu level, it works pefectly, don’t need to hold down a mousebutton to register input! Why is this??

Please help

It’s the gamemode, it won’t switch gamemode, even tried inputing a string option directing to the gamemode.

It won’t change gamemode, and because of that the mouse input isn’t registering. Can someone tell me how to fix this issue?

The levels have a game mode override on them (Click Settings → World Settings). Is the correct game mode set there.

Let me quote myself "It’s the gamemode, it won’t switch gamemode, even tried inputing a string option directing to the gamemode.

It won’t change gamemode, and because of that the mouse input isn’t registering. Can someone tell me how to fix this issue?"

With this I mean thath I have already tried manually changing the gamemode and saving the ovveride settings for the levels. They are correct when loading the level from the editor. but when playing the first level and loading the other through the start menu it won’t swictch gamemode until I press the pause menu.

Which is strange,becasue after I press P for my pausescreen and Resume Game, it works again

Let me quote myself "It’s the gamemode, it won’t switch gamemode, even tried inputing a string option directing to the gamemode.

It won’t change gamemode, and because of that the mouse input isn’t registering. Can someone tell me how to fix this issue?"

With this I mean thath I have already tried manually changing the gamemode and saving the ovveride settings for the levels. They are correct when loading the level from the editor. but when playing the first level and loading the other through the start menu it won’t swictch gamemode until I press the pause menu.

Which is strange,becasue after I press P for my pausescreen and Resume Game, it works again


It is possible that the issue you are seeing is because input is still registering in your Start Menu level. Have a look at some of these blueprint nodes, specifically Set Input Mode Game and UI, Set Input Mode Game Only, and Set Input Mode UI Only. Setting the Input Mode to Game Only once you open the level could potentially solve your issue. Input | Unreal Engine Documentation

If this isn’t helpful, could you provide a screenshot of your blueprint, as well as a short description of what your desired behavior is? Meaning, when you open up the new level, what do you expect the input to do? Thank you.


I am marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes, as we have not heard back from you in a few days. If you are still experiencing this issue, feel free to respond to this post. For any new issues, please create a new Answerhub topic.

Have a great day,

Sean Flint