Root Motion with Lunge Forward, Anyone have it working?


So I am trying to get my animation of a lunge forward to work, but he keeps leaving the capsule. I have read the Root Motion documentation about 10 times. Ever since they changed it in 4.6, I cant get it to work. I know the Root Motion is per animation now, and have changed the setting in the specific animation, but still no good. I also set it up as a montage, and have it set up for “Root Motion from Montages Only”.

Would anyone have a working example, maybe a video of how to get it to work now. It would be great to know how to do it for multiplayer also.

Thanks in advance!

its kinda tricky at best.

I finally got it to work, in MP as well.

  • make sure the anim has the root motion checked
  • create a montage of that same anim
  • in the animbp set to root motion from montages

In the charBP, do all your checks and then set your var that carries over to your animBP, like “PrimaryAtk ==true”

In the animBP, find where your casting to your character every tick and getting PrimaryAtk status and then setting a new var with the same name in animBP.

After the animBP var gets set, drag out a sequence node.
0 will go to a new event, 1 will carry on setting other variables below.

for the event, create a custom server event, call it “PriAtk”.
Drag 0 of the sequence out to run this event.
In the event use a Branch and check that the PriAtk var set in the animBP is true, if not do nothing if so, set a montage variable “montageToPlay” to the montage you want to play.

Create a second custom event, make it a multicast call it “PlayAnimMont”, in this event, simply use a play montage node and drag the “montageToPlay” into the montage node.

Connect the end of the first function to start the montage multicast function.

In your animgraph, make sure you allow the montage slot section to play.
so do a cached pose > default slot > blend by bool > TRUE is Pri Atk is true"

then way back in the char bp, make sure you set pri atk back to false so the montage doesnt play forever

thanks, I really appreciate it. Gonna jump back in right now. I’ll let you know how it goes!

no need to return anything, but my animbp is pretty large but ill try and grab some parts… It also probably requires your character bp to all be replicated properly as well.

let me see if I can set up a quick example

Any chance you have screen grabs of those BP’s, I can’t get it to go. Im an animator by trade, only been doing blueprints for about 3 months. If you could, be much appreciated. Maybe I can return the favor with some animation

Man, this is Awesome!!! Thanks for this, I’ll hit you back when I have it running!

Here. Just set this up and it works fine. Make sure your animgraph is set up right and everything is replicated.


AnimBP EventGraph

Montage event in AnimBPEventGraph
