How do I reference a Blueprint class's static mesh's socket?

I’m firing a pistol at a wall, and spawning a Bullet actor in the line trace’s hit location. I want to get the location of a socket attached to to that the Bullet class’s static mesh component. The static mesh component is called Dart, and the static mesh is called LeccyDart, which has a socket called ArcPoint.

This has been a three-week impasse (for something I thought would be very easy), so if anyone can help, I would be very grateful.

Here’s my current Pistol Blueprint, where I span a Bullet actor, and then rotate it. I’m currently using the line trace’s hit location, but that won’t work for what I want to do with it.

You can use the return pin of the Spawn node and then cast to your bullet BP. Then from there you should be able to get the static mesh > get socket name/location/etc.

Thanks, Jacky. Won’t that get the location before I rotate it, though? (So, after I have rotated it, the location I need is now wrong).

I’ve been trying to get the socket location after rotation. Have I been trying to get it out of the scope of the Bullet class? (I ask, because I am trying to understand where I am going wrong).

You can cast to your bullet BP after setting rotation(again by using the return value pin of the spawn actor node.) Then it should give you the location after you set it’s rotation.

I was just typing about having the same problem. No progress. (I don’t have to Cast to Bullet, as the Actor is already a Bullet).

And then I pulled a wire from the SpawnActor Bullet’s Return Value, rather than the execution pin. Lo and behold, there was the option to get Socket Location.

I’ve only been using the Execution pins. I didn’t realise that I had to use the other one.

Many thanks.