Unreal Project Linker Error[1120,2001,2019]

Hello I’m working on a Unreal Project which is synced with SVN Tortoise. I checked in following folders [ Binaries,Config, Content,Source,project.sln, project.uproject]. After checking out on his machine, my colleague couldn’t run the project. Here are the issues:

  • Blueprints unable to attach(detect) functions written in C++ file I created.
  • Visual Studio gives a following Linker Error.

Here is the Output Screenshot

I think my project c++ files are not getting included due to some reason. And this data is all saved in a branch.

How to fix this issue ?

Help is very much appreciated. ! :slight_smile:

Hey guys I found a solution (temporary one).
The problem is with the Binaries Folder.

When I copied the binary files from my Binaries/Win64/ folder (my system) to his project Binaries folder (he got from repository) . The problem is solved.

***But I know this is the temporary way to solve this issue. Please Unreal Dev’s a little concern over this issue. ***

     The Binaries of the project are synced with the repo. And when you update them on your computer, all the files comes from repository. And still they are not compiling the project. They are showing the errors I mentioned in the screenshot.
                 And when I copy the binary files from my system to his system in the project folder, it works ! The project compiles ! Why it is so ? 

Provided: The binary files are synced with the repository.