BP: Freeze on compiling

When trying to compile my gamemode, the editor just freezes, I have to kill the task manually. Refreshing nodes does the same. I even tried to delete all nodes in the event graph - same result.

There is no info at startup about what actually went wrong. Is there any log available? How to resolve this?


Hi ,

  • Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
  • What was the most recent addition to your game mode before this started occurring?
  • Do you have any circular references from your game mode into any other blueprints?

Hi ,

We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.

  • I tried to migrate a blueprint from a forked project which had a reference to his game mode (but used the exact same method). The reference seems ok to me, but the project freezes when trying to compile the project.
  • Yes, there are several circular references: The gameMode acts as global hub and has getter methods to other important blueprint actors or components.

I could fix this by restoring an older version of the game mode blueprint and recreating everything step by step.

  • Try removing the circular references if possible to see if the break continues to occur. Circular references are not recommended and can cause many errors within blueprints.
  • Are you able to open a new blueprint and compile it without error or is it any blueprint that you open?
  • What specifically is in the gamemode that is causing this error?

Hi ,

  • I’m afraid I can’t remove the circular references because of the hub structure (A references B, C, D, E… which all access A to get references to other classes)

  • It didn’t matter which Blueprint I was compiling, the editor freezed in all cases (CPU load was 100% on one core and RAM usage increased more and more)

  • I didn’t know, what exactly was the problem as they were no error message or log. After restoring an old version I was able to finally compile and rebuilt the same logic as before.

Just to clarify, the error you were seeing is no longer occurring on your end after rebuilding logic? Is there anything different between the new asset and the original?

I’m happy to hear this is no longer occurring for you. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you experience this error again, please comment here and I’ll be happy to take another look at what may be occurring.

Hi ,
yes, that’s the case (didn’t change the logic). It seems like the GameMode-Blueprint was internally corrupted or something.

This issue is not resolved!

Unreal 5.3.2 OSX M1 Max 64gb

  1. When I try to compile a BP that has a bp inside the compile takes forever (20-30 minutes) or just doesn’t return at all. If I close the editor and restart and click play no issues.

  2. If I reposition the child BP from using the translate and click compile a single CPU is pegged and the editor is useless until I force quit the Unreal editor.