How to make a boss battle

Hello, I am currently working a game with some boss battles throughout the entire game. My question is I have a big alien creature that appears and a small character, the alien will be throwing rocks at him as he will try to dodge them. But throws bombs at the Alien boss, causing him damage. I have the baked animations already but, I am new to blueprints. Can anyone tell me how can I input this in blueprints, or know of any tutorials on how to implement this in blueprints, thanks!

Not to sound like a cliche response but you’re asking for a LOT of help.

There are many things that make up what you want.
Health systems, aiming, movements, animation triggering, AI

There’s a lot that goes into this.
I’d suggest you first watch Zaks UE4 animation tutorials. It’s a wee bit outdated but it works well. It will show you how to implement animations and trigger them with key clicks and other things.

Once you have that you can google AI tutorials. I stumbled through that mostly on my own and know it very well now, but I did watch a tutorial series by a youtuber named Zoomba something. Can’t remember. The tutorials are waaaay too long and I gave up on them early on… but it was good info at the time if you can get into it and work it out yourself. I think there must be much better ones now and the AI stuff has changed, back then there wasn’t EQS and other features.

Short version: This isn’t one question, it’s many. You’ll need to know your way around BP’s well before you can make something like this. Not just BP but you’ll also need to know a decent amount of OOP concepts as well.