Relative Torque : Helicopter Stabilizer/ tilt need help

Having trouble at the moment with applying torque relative to my helicopters rotation.

Using a controller, Pitch and Role are set so they have a max tilt angle and yaw can spin freely. I set this up as a vector to apply to the current helicopter rotation. the goal was to create dir vector for “add torque” so i will always turn towards the controller vector. like

(ControllerVector - CurrentVector) * torqueSpeed = torqueDir

However i cant seem to get the control vector to work relative to the yaw rotation, i have attached the current scripts for the turning and stabilization. any help is greatly appreciated…

Torque direction should be up in the reference frame of the helicopter. You want Torque to be HelicopterUpVector x TorqueAmountFloat. It also needs to be a HUGE number.