How to sync two Anim Blueprint?

Hi guys!

We are making cool game about mechs. Mech consist from multiple actors attached to each other. Some of those actors attached to mech’s bones, and some of them have it’s own skeleton and anim blueprint (ABP), for example it is a weapon actors.

Mech ABP can rotate torso with “modify bone” node. At the same time Weapon rotate with it is own logic to some point on scene. The problem is in lag between torso and weapon animation ![see gif][1] In this gif we see: green line is rotating bone on weapon and red line is weapon root, equals to mech skeleton bone.

If we set weapon to rotate immediately, we can see small lag and jump at the very end of animation.
If we set Slomo to 0.1-0.2 we do not see any lag and jump at the end of animation.

So the question is how we can change tick or priority of animations (ABP) of attached actors?

maybe this will help?

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