Does UE4 work on Mac OS X 10.8 or 10.7?

The specs say the unreal engine works on Mac OS X 9.2 but has anyone used it on OS X 10.8 or 10.7?

Hello Dmichael,

It’s possible that the engine could work on 10.8 or 10.7 but you run the risk of running into more issues which we may be unable to help you with. If possible you should update to the latest!

-Max B.


To expand upon what Max said. We rely on bug fixes to apple’s graphics drivers that were made available in 10.9.2. Depending on what hardware you are on, and what kind of games you are developing the bugs in earlier versions of the driver may be deal-breakers, or may not be noticeable.

For the best experience, we encourage 10.9.2