How to replicate attach to

What I want to happen is I click on a weapon and it attaches itself to the character weapon socket, then get replicated across the network to the clients. It works fine on the server, (currently I don’t have it set to connect to the weapon socket), but when I try it on the client nothing happens. I’ve got it set to server only and it’s asking on the player controller. I think the reason it isn’t working is because the owner of the weapon is different than the client. I don’t know how to get around this problem. I’m using interfaces because I want interaction with different objects upon clicking them like I saw in the unreal “adding interaction 6” video. I’ve watched the unreal blueprint networking tutorials I don’t know how many times. Here is a picture showing the relevant parts.

For anyone having a similar problem, the guide below helped me solve my problem. I was calling the “OnInteract” message from the player controller instead of the player pawn, which was not allowing the execution to get to the weapon.