Creating a car problem

Hello, I am a beginner in Game Development and in Unreal Engine 4, it seems very nice but I have a problem I need help with. I want to make a car, so I downloaded a 3D model, I opened it with 3DS max and exported it as fbx. I imported it in Unreal Engine, and I opened the physics asset to work on the collision. I followed this guide: link:Vehicle Art Setup Guide

However, after create a box for my main body and 4 spheres for the wheels, I tried to simulate it, and the car just flies away! What is weird is, if I select all the meshes(bones), select “Selected Simulation” and then Simulate, it works alright! I had the exact same problem with another 3D model aswell, and I thought it was a problem from the 3D Model. Any ideas why that happens?

Turns out that this happens after I set the wheels to “Kinematic”

There was an issue with the pivot, problem fixed.