Mouse Blocked at screen edges

Hey guys, i’m trying to achieve a pretty simple camera system. If I press and hold the left mouse button I can move the camera, if I release it I can normally move the mouse cursor and interact with the world / HUD. However, the mouse is blocked at the edges of the screen which prevents further camera movement.

Is there a workaround for this?


"Dont think there is anyway in standard unreal at the moment but Rama have a node for it in his plugin.

The Set/Get Mouse Position nodes work directly with the player's viewport, and do not require access to the HUD canvas.

~ Set Mouse Position - SET the mouse position to any values of your choosing!

~ Get Mouse Position - Get the current mouse position, will be consistent with results of SET Mouse Position

~ Get Center Of Viewport - Obtain the coordinates of the center of the viewport! Works in PIE as well as standalone game instances

For more info checkout the forum post about it! "


Thanks for the information, but I’m not quite sure how I should use this nodes to solve my problem

I have the same problem, did you find a solution?