Communication between Actors

Ok. I can’t find out by answers posted nor by myself. :frowning:

I have 2 Actors. And I want them to communicate while constructed(Construction Script).

I can compile, but that’s not enough to communicate. :wink:

So here the origin:

Actor: Hurdle, this one has a Component of the Actor Checkpoint.


And wants to set the variable “CheckpointNumberExt” in Actor Checkpoint.
Therefore I created an ObjectVariable named “CastToCheckpoint” and the VariableType is Object - default Value the Checkpoint Actor.

But this cast always fails.
The other way around it is the same. :frowning:

Lately tried Best way to communicate between blueprints? - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums but this won’t help. :frowning:

Any ideas? Have I missed something (yes, but I need to know what… :smiley: ) .

Many thanks in advance.



hmm… interesting way to do so… :slight_smile: