How to import huge .FBX in unreal editor?

Hello Friends,

I am fairly new to unreal editor, but have gone through few online tutorials. I am using the Mac Version of the unreal editor (Version: 4.10.0-2758231), my system has 2GB Graphics and 16GB of RAM and 3.4GHz i5 processor.

I am trying to load a model of a hotel in unreal editor, where the fbx loaded in maya shows approximately 7,076,069 trices but when I try to import the same in unreal editor it just freezes for hours, I have tried it more than 5 times now but no luck.

Can anyone, please point out how to approach to load heavy meshes, or the maximum limit in terms of trices or poly-count for a 3D model in single scene in Unreal Editor?


Well, just split it up? Also, on import, did you try to deactivate the Lightmap UV generation, same goes for the adjacency buffer building and collision stuff. Just deactive close to everything :smiley: and dont combine too, this way you should see the object count that is importing?


Importing such a large mesh is not recommended. LeFxGuy, is correct in that you could break this extremely large FBX into parts. The building being one piece, assets another, and then anything else that is left over.