4.10.1 Editor Crash with Transform Setting of SceneComponent BP


Just had an editor crash with absolute transformation setting of a Scene Component BP.
Closest bug report I found was https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/322437/changing-transform-into-absolute-location-in-paren.html

I could break it down to:

(no need to save or compile until last step)

1.new blank BP project

2.new SceneComponent BP

3.new Actor BP

4…add the Component as child

5…add Sphere Shape as child of the Component (only crashes with child element)

6.in the SceneComponent BP change Location from Relative to Absolute (or Absolute to Relative)

7…compile → Crash



Regards, Marooney.

(Sorry, i got some line break and formatting issues to work around in this textbox…)


I have been able to reproduce your issue, and have entered a bug report (UE-24272). Thank you for your report.

Have a great day,

Sean Flint

I too am stuck up on this bug.

Well, since the Transform Setting thing made some kind of sense to me, i did not try to compile due to other changes, when i reproduced it. The editor still crashes some times when adding variables or so…, it is just because of: Actor + SceneComponent with Child. And change something in SceneComponent to compile it. I tried it with a new SceneComponent without modification of Location Setting.

Hi, my editor still crashes as well when i need to compile the scene component (most time because of new variable). If possible, just move all child components (of the referenced SceneComponent in actor) to a temp parent and compile.
Atm i am ok with save, compile, (crash, restart), because I do not need to compile my component that often.

Any word on if this is fixed in 4.11? I’ve got a grid setup that keeps crashing on project load.

Currently, there is no scheduled timeline for the release of this fix. I will provide updates as they become available.


I just wanted to provide an update that this issue has been resolved internally, and the fix will be available in a later version.

Have a great day