USceneCaptureComponentCube does not have LDR Option like USceneCaptureComponent2D

USceneCaptureComponent2D has option “Final Color (LDR with PostProcess)”.
But USceneCaptureComponentCube can only capture HDR.
We really need capture the cubemap of final scene color.

We only use UE4 with the Epic Launcher. But we have tested some methods it works fine.
So we would be happy to see the USceneCaptureComponentCube can capture “Final Color” in next Engine Release.

I simply change the Engine Source codes.

void FScene::UpdateSceneCaptureContents(USceneCaptureComponentCube* CaptureComponent)

Only change

		FSceneRenderer* SceneRenderer = CreateSceneRenderer(CaptureComponent, CaptureComponent->TextureTarget, ViewRotationMatrix, Location, FOV, CaptureComponent->MaxViewDistanceOverride);


		FSceneRenderer* SceneRenderer = CreateSceneRenderer(CaptureComponent, CaptureComponent->TextureTarget, ViewRotationMatrix, Location, FOV, CaptureComponent->MaxViewDistanceOverride, false);

(add false so not rendering the SceneColor but the FinalSceneColor)


UpdateSceneCaptureContent_RenderThread(RHICmdList, SceneRenderer, TextureRenderTarget, OwnerName, FResolveParams(FResolveRect(), TargetFace), true);


UpdateSceneCaptureContent_RenderThread(RHICmdList, SceneRenderer, TextureRenderTarget, OwnerName, FResolveParams(FResolveRect(), TargetFace), false);

(change last parameter from true to false)

It works fine for me. SceneCaptureComponentCube can correctly capture the final scene color(LDR).

So makes full changes likes SceneCaptureComponent2D.
So I think it can be easily work similar likes SceneCaptureComponent2D.

Hey ,

Thanks for lettings us know as well as a solution that works for you. Since you were able to find your own solution I would encourage you to make a pull request on GitHub ( to have your change incorporated into the engine.


I create a pull request for fixes the problems.
Please have a look at that pull request.
If you Epic Games Team not accept my solutions. Please give me advices how to fixes it. Or I hope Epic guys would make a more consistence solution.
Thank you.
