Unable to call Custom UBlueprintFunctionLibrary functions


I have this setup as my custom UBlueprintFunctionLibrary function library. However, I am not able to see the functions inside any blueprint especially in user widget event graph. I have implementations of course. It compiles successfully but I cannot find them in blueprints.

Check Library, it in “Window->Pallate” this tree should have all function nodes in it, search manually based on category insted of using search function. If library is missing those too, it either means that you file is not compiled or processed by UHT (both might be caused by lack of cpp file that includes thish header file) or your module is not loaded (if you only got 1 game mopdule from C++ project, that would be very strange). Try rebuilding the code Your HeroTestBlueprintLibrary should be also visible in Class Viewer (“Window->Development Tools->Class Viewer”) so check that out too if it’s there.

Worth mentioning is that you don’t really need UBlueprintFunctionLibrary class, static functions in Blueprints will look and work the same regardless where they are declered, that class is only for estetics, so you don’t need to add it anywhere.

I do not know what happened but I am now able to find and use them after a restart :S

Ah, then it was Hot Reload bug i guess, if you have odd behavior after Hot Reload it’s good try to restart editor, hoit reload is not perfect and sometimes buggy