How can I filter out overlapping Actors?

I’m trying to make a simple power up blue print but I’m running into and issue with the AI pawns triggering the blueprint. I’m trying to filter it out on the overlap to determine whether or not the what is overlapping the power up is the player or not. I tried the comparison in the second picture, but I found that at run time UE4 adds “C##” to it which is causing the check to fail. Is there a better way to handle this?

Base Powerup blueprint

The comparison I’ve tried

Incorrect name

I think you can use the CastToPlayerShip node.

Drag from EventActorBeginOverlap’s Actor output and then you should be able to cast it to your playership.
If the cast nodes don’t show up make sure the Context Sensitive checkbox is on.

That worked awesomely. Thanks.