Web Browser Widget - Using a local HTML file

I am having an issue with bringing up a web site that is local on my hard drive using the Web Widget. I mean, it works fine when I use the full path, including the drive letter.
My question is how do I pull up an HTML file with a relative path?
Example: The MEDIA PLAYER uses ./Movies/videoname.wmv
So, when my project is packaged, the movie will play regardless of where it’s run from.
I need this same thing to work with a localized web page.
My html is in my Content/WebPages folder, and ./Content/WebPages does not work (or ./WebPages).
Makes sense?
thanks for your help!

I also need to know if this is possible.

My game involves an in-game web browser showing specific in-game web pages. I could make each page as a separate widget, but it would be much better if it could use actual html stored in the content folders and distributed with the game. (Storing the pages online for accessing during the game is not an option.)

I hadn’t actually tried out the widget when I commented above but now I have, and it seems like this will be fairly simple to do.

The browser widget has a function called Load String. You just need to feed it your web page code. You could store this anywhere, e.g., a variable, a data table, a saved game object, or create the functionality to load a text file, which has been covered elsewhere. You could even create/modify/localise the string at runtime.

Does anyone knows how to do this?
I have a local web page and I didnt achived to open it from ue.
Can someone help me?

Still no better way, like drop the files in the content folder?

Same thing here. Especially when packaging the game content into .pak file