Localization causes crash only when packaged with UAT

So I’ve been debugging this issue for a few days and it’s got me 100% stumped.

I’m using the unreal dashboard to build localization files, and it’s generating locres files and everything exactly as expected. It works locally, and even when I package locally it works perfectly, but when we build it with our automated build system, all the builds crash immediately on startup with the following error:

Fatal error:         [File:OURGAMEDIR\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\HAL\FileManagerGeneric.cpp] [Line: 605] 
Invalid BufferCount=0 while reading OURGAMEDIR/LatestCookedBuild/WindowsNoEditor/OURGAME/Content/Localization/Game/en/Game.locres. Pos=43412, Size=19876, PrecacheSize=2147483647, PrecacheOffset=43412

It looks like the game thinks the locres file is almost 2 times larger than it actually is, or maybe that it thinks the start of the file should be offset into another file like a pak file or something.

We’re building using this command in the script running on our build machine:

call ..\UnrealEngine\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildCookRun -project="%CD%\OURGAME.uproject" -noP4 -platform=Win64 -clientconfig=Development -cook -allmaps -compile -stage -pak -archive -archivedirectory="%CD%\..\out" -Build

I’ve tried setting it to package a number of ways including just copying the localization directory into content without including it in the pak file and I have no idea where to even start with this. Any help would be great.

So just updating this. It seems to be an issue to do with something that the localization dashboard adds to config files that causes issues, but specfically the localization dashboard stuff not the stuff you’d add if you were doing it by hand.

Redoing it by hand worked fine and it’s functional now. Not sure why it was messed up with the localization dashboard stuff, but I’m content just to see it working.

Would you be able to provide the broken and working config files so that we can examine them?

You can email them if you don’t want to post them here - first.last@epicgames.com. Replace first and last with my name :slight_smile:

I think I could do that. I’ll send them when I’m back at work on Monday :slight_smile:

K Jamie, it should be sent. Thanks much!