(4.10.1)Texture streaming error on IOS

I have always come across this error when running the packaged ios game on my iphone 6plus(ios9.2),which never appeared in 4.9 or before.Thanks!



Could you please provide me with your output from the packaging process? Please upload them as a .txt file. I’d also like the have the from your iOS device. Please [click here][1] in order to learn how to pull the from your device.

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!

A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

Here’s the package log:[link text][1]
Also I found this line in the device log:
LogMetal:Display: Loaded a non-offline compiled shader (will be slower to load)
I think this is the reason why my game just gets stuck for a moment from time to time.Could you help me solve this?Thanks a lot.

70963-packagelog.log (2.27 MB)

Here’s the device log:[link text][1]

70964-iphone6plus+log.txt (2.92 MB)


“If you cook with Windows, the shaders will not be precompiled because there is no shader compiler program for Windows. It will compile the shaders at runtime if this is the case (it uses the offline/online flag for looking up the shader in the DerivedDataCache, so both modes live together correctly).” - [Metal Rendering API Documentation][1]

I did look over your provided. I see a lot going on with your ‘WidgetTree’. Here are some examples I pulled from your that I want you to look further into:

LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'WidgetTree': WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEditor.Default__WidgetBlueprint
LogMaterial:Warning: Failed to compile Material /Game/FX/PP_OutlineCustomDepthOcclusion.PP_OutlineCustomDepthOcclusion for platform SF_METAL, Default Material will be used in game.
LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'GameplayDebugger' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogScript:Warning: Attempted to get an item from array CallFunc_GetAllActorsOfClass_OutActors2 out of bounds [0/0]!
LogScript:Warning: Divide by zero: Divide_FloatFloat
LogScript:Warning: Accessed None 'K2Node_DynamicCast_AsBP_Chest_Box'
	MovePanel_C /Engine/Transient.GameEngine_0:TopDownGameInstance_C_0.MainUI_C_0.WidgetTree_0.MiniMap.WidgetTree_4.WholeMap
	Function /Game/UI/MiniMap/MovePanel.MovePanel_C:AddPointsWithArrow:0261
LogScript:Warning: Accessed None 'K2Node_DynamicCast_AsBP_Chest_Box'
	MovePanel_C /Engine/Transient.GameEngine_0:TopDownGameInstance_C_0.MainUI_C_0.WidgetTree_0.MiniMap.WidgetTree_4.WholeMap
	Function /Game/UI/MiniMap/MovePanel.MovePanel_C:AddPointsWithArrow:0261

Please look over these errors, look in your and try to fix what’s going on with your Widget.

Let me know what you find out, thanks!

A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

Thank you very much!
So you mean that if I package the game with mac,that stuck will never happen?

I have spent some time looking into these warnings concerning widget,and the result is that these warnings sometimes appeared but sometimes not.However,the red error message shown above appeared everytime I start the game on my ios device.(Actually this error just appears for less than 1 second every time,so it’s a little difficlut for me to capture this screenshot…)I think these widgets are not the main cause.

Also,I never came across this red message in the previous ue4 build(such as 4.9 or earlier).Thus,I think this have something to do with the new UE4.10.

I found a thread posted by another person who had encountered exactly the same issue in the forum,here’s the link:Texture streaming error - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums

Thanks a lot!

Can you please provide me with the where the widget errors are not showing up? I believe that the widget is part of the reason why you’re running into this error.

Do you have a Mac you’re able to package on, to see if there is a difference by any ?

Thank you!

After digging into the recent device log:I found that only this warning concerning widget occurs:

[2015.12.20-11.20.19:812][ 0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘WidgetTree’: WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEditor.Default__WidgetBlueprint

But other widget warning doesn’t show.I think this error is not caused by my widget blueprint.Because even if I add an empty widget blueprint,this warning will show.[link text][1]

(32 KB)

I don’t have a mac,so I don’t know whether there is a difference.Thanks!

Could you please take the widget blueprint out of your project, or at least out of the viewport of your game and see whether or not the issue goes away? If that’s the case, it may come back to being a bug on the widget blueprint.

If you’d like, you can always upload your project to or something similar and provide a link to me in a private message on the forums.

If not, being able to reproduce this with steps would be the next thing I’d ask for.

Thank you! :slight_smile:


We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you!

excuse me: I had the exactly same error on my ipad pro but since I’m still at the starting point of my project I haven’t widget nor blueprint (default first person character a part), in my case I see the texture applied on the floor perfect around the starting point and lowering quality as distant as I go, I thought that my texture could be a problem but even with a complete white ambient the error remains; I’ve added to my defaultdeviceprofile.ini the two strings
and the error now has gone BUT the texture problem remain! how can I fix this?

I’ve found the solution:

I had to use Custom UVs to tile my materials!