Blueprint Documentation Website Error 404

This link is producing Error 404:[RELATIVE:Engine/Blueprints/UserGuide/CheatSheet]

Unreal Engine Version: 4.1.0

Attachment List: Photo below shows the error message on website after visiting the link in the blueprint documentation that was displayed in the Unreal Editor information.

Most of documents have this 404 error also, i think they’re updating their website.

Yeah that could be, another post mentioned something about Google Spider and Updating, so some links work while others may not.

It’s been 9 days now so my feeling is it’s a broken or invalid link.

Hi KnightTechDev,
I just thought I’d let you know I just submitted a change that should fix that 404 link next time we update the docs site later this week. I’ll keep an eye on it once we update to be sure. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.