Failed to load parent userconstructionscript

I have a base C++ class from which a base blueprint class derives (WeaponBase). Then, from that blueprint class I have a number of child blueprint classes (for example SwordBase). But for some reason every time I start a new editor session I get a bunch of warnings like :
Failed to load Parent …/SwordBase_SwordBase.C:UserConstructionScript… removing parent information, but keeping function
The game seems to play OK though. Any ideas what these warnings are all about ?

I’m getting a bunch of these, as well. They definitely seem benign, but kind of annoying :confused:

I finally found a way to get rid of these error messages. If you temporarily parent the class in question to another class, then change it back to the original parent, it should clear up the error. Of course, you have to be careful about losing data, but this worked for most cases.

If that doesn’t work, you may just need to recreate the child class again :confused: That’s a sure fire way to remove the error.