BlueprintImplementableEvent not showing

I need to call an event that is implemented in Blueprint, so I tried it like this:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, meta = (FriendlyName = "Player reached Finish"))
	void OnFinishReached();

but I can’t find the event anywhere. It should be implementable in the level blueprint but it doesn’t show. What am I doing wrong?

Hi maxim6394, your declaration for a BlueprintImplementableEvent is fine, but maybe your problem is that you are trying to implemented in you level blueprint, and your BlueprintImplementableEvent (I think) that can be implemented only on a blueprint created from your C++ class where you have the BlueprintImplementableEvent.

For example if you have a Character class on C++ with a BlueprintImplementableEvent and a Blueprint created from that C++ class. Then in this blueprint you can implemented the event, not in thee level blueprint.

Best regards

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Any ideas how can we define an event in a level blueprint then? I want to fire an event and pass some data which can be read in the level blueprint.