Instantly speed up the player

I’m creating a 3rd person game. I want my character accelerates suddenly when it hits an other mesh. I’ve already tried the Add force and the Add impulse nodes but it does nothing. What can I do ?

Post a picture, it’s easy, but can be done in different ways, depending on how you have set up your blueprints, so maybe a post of the character and the other mesh’s blueprint.

But do you want the character to accelerate and hit another top speed and stay at the new speed? or a temporary acceleration that brings your character back to it’s regular speed after acceleration?

Hi, thanks for your answer.
It’s a temporary acceleration I need.
The character blueprint is the standard third person character blueprint with some fuctions for the hud.
Here is the other mesh’s blueprint :

Ok, I’ll send a picture of how you can do it with an explanation, just opening up the editor

Here you have a solution for the speedchange that works ok.
And if you want to change animation speed (so it matches new temporary movement speed) you can do it by adding a bool that is “InstantAcceleration” that is set to true when max walk speed is set to 1200, and set it to false after the 5 seconds before itgoes back to 600speed.
You can add this variable in either the static mesh BP or your character BP. The impoirtant thing is the casting in the animblueprint.

Then cast/call that bool into the AnimBlueprint and then create a new bool (in the AnimBlueprint this time) that is set to true whenever the called bool is set to true.

You MUST drag out “as character” node and choose “Character Movement”, then from the “Character Movement” you can drag out the “Set Max Walk Speed”. Otherwise it won’t show up at all

It works very good, thank you ! Can we also adjust the forward vector of the character to change his direction?

Do you mean so when you press “S” that the Char should move towards the camera? and not that the camera follows the back of the player?

No, when the character hit the mesh, it will have a new forward vector. The camera is still following the back of the char.

So you want to change the characters direction? Just set a new actor rotation,
I’ll open up the editor again an take a prntscreen of it