Is it possible to call a managed .NET dll from UE4 C++ project?

I have some libraries I’ve written in C# I’d like to call. Is this possible? Normally I could add the /clr option but since building is all done with custom makefiles I’m not sure how to go about it.

Hi, I just stumbled over your question, and while I haven’t tried it myself, I think A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums might be of help.

You cannot directly use C# in your project.
I’ve used a C# dll by using a CLI C++ DLL and then using LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress to load the functions.

That would be my suggestion if you can’t just rewrite it in C++.

Yes , why not ? I did it. Create a C# library dll project in your UE4 solution and refer its build path to your plugin directory. Then write a function in C# , like this :

 [DllExport("GetDomain", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        static public string GetDomainName(bool result)
            System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity currentUser = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
            return currentUser.Name.Split('\\')[0];

The above function gives info on your current PC domain.
Now build the project , see if a dll is created in your plugin directory.

Then create a BPFunctionlibrary C++ class , and add a function , that can be called in your BP. My function to retrieve domain information is given below :

FString ULDAPAuthentication::GetCurrentDomain()
	typedef const char*(*_GetDomain)(bool res);
	FString filePath = FPaths::Combine(*FPaths::GamePluginsDir(), TEXT(YourDLLName.dll"));

	void *DLLHandle = NULL;
	if (FPaths::FileExists(filePath))
		DLLHandle = FPlatformProcess::GetDllHandle(*filePath); // Retrieve the DLL.
	if (DLLHandle != NULL)
		_GetDomain DLLFuncPtr = NULL;
		FString procName = "GetDomain";
		DLLFuncPtr = (_GetDomain)FPlatformProcess::GetDllExport(DLLHandle, *procName);
		if (DLLFuncPtr != NULL)
			const char* result = DLLFuncPtr(false);
			FString output(result);
			return output;
	return "";

If the DLLFuncPtr is coming as null , please write a blank function before other functions in yuor C# , like below :

    [DllExport("TestFunction", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    static public void TestFunction()

because I dont know the reason , but the first function in your C# class in never detected

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Hi! I can see that you’re able to use C# dll in Unreal Engine, please could you post a completed example about it, I mean where to créate a C# dll and how to link in C++ to use it… thanks!

Are you sure your Dll is written in C#? I have tested this method and I cannot get it my to link to the C# method inside my DLL. The function pointer is coming in as null. Tried the blank function workaround and still no success.

Could you please share a completed example or example project? Thanks!

Your answer is in direct contrast to what sameek4 says. Im my research online it does not seem possible to call C# functions from C++ code directly. You need a bridge CLI dll as you mentioned.

Could you please share an example, specifically using the bridge CLI with Unreal? Thanks

This topic seems like don’t have final answer sammeek4 was right. It’s possible to use C# dll with ue4 without using COM or anything like that.Here you’ve got how to create managed dll with unmanaged export (so u can use it without .net virtual machine). Later u got to paste dll to the project folder. Don’t forget to add dll info in your Build.cs file [ i got something like this PublicDelayLoadDLLs.Add("UnmanagedFrameworkDll.dll"); ]
After completing this I put following code in my BlueprintFunctionLibrary.cpp

void *v_csdllHandle;

typedef int(*_MyCsDllLibraryFunction)();

_MyCsDllLibraryFunction m_myCsDllLibraryFunctionHandle;

bool UMyDllBlueprintFunctionLibrary::importCsDLL(FString folder, FString name)//same as no c# version. only the handle changed
	FString filePath = *FPaths::ProjectPluginsDir() + folder + "/" + name;

	if (FPaths::FileExists(filePath))
		v_csdllHandle = FPlatformProcess::GetDllHandle(*filePath); // Retrieve the DLL.
		if (v_csdllHandle != NULL)
			return true;
	return false;	// Return an error.

bool UMyDllBlueprintFunctionLibrary::LoadMyCSharpDLLFuntion()
	if (v_csdllHandle != NULL)
		m_myCsDllLibraryFunctionHandle = NULL;
		//now u need to pass the exact name of the dll function
		FString procName = "UnmanagedFunction";
		m_myCsDllLibraryFunctionHandle = (_MyCsDllLibraryFunction)FPlatformProcess::GetDllExport(v_csdllHandle, *procName);
		if (m_myCsDllLibraryFunctionHandle != NULL)
			return true;
	return false;

int UMyDllBlueprintFunctionLibrary::CallMyCSharpDLLFuntion()
	return m_myCsDllLibraryFunctionHandle();

this worked for me, i created a dll using C# net framework 4.5 , using RGiesecke.DllExpor, and building for x64 platform

I was able to use sameek4’s answer to import methods from a custom c# dll that I wrote. My problem now is that the actual code I want to use is in a third party .dll, which I can’t modify. I tried to use my custom dll as a wrapper to call methods from the third party dll, but Unreal crashes when I try to access these methods.

I used a simple custom ‘third party’ dll for testing.

Third Party Dll:

namespace ThirdPartyTest
    public class ThirdPartyClass
        public int MultiplyByFour(int otherNumber)
            return otherNumber * 4;

C# DLLExport Wrapper:

using RGiesecke.DllExport;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using ThirdPartyTest;

    namespace DLLExportWrapper {
        public static class WrapperClass
            [DllExport("ReturnThree", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
            public static int ReturnThree()
                return 3;
            [DllExport("MultiplyByFour", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
            public static int MultiplyByFour(int otherNumber)
                ThirdPartyClass thirdPartyClass = new ThirdPartyClass();
                return thirdPartyClass.MultiplyByFour(otherNumber);    

I am able to successfully use the ReturnThree method in Unreal, but the MultiplyByFour causes a crash when I call it. My knowledge of c++/c# is quite limited, so I certainly acknowledge I am in over my head. Is what I want to do possible?

What is call stack saying? do it crash on directly on your call or does it goes farther. Also what types do you operating in? a int as you showed in example? no.1 reason of hard crashes in invalid memory pointers. can you also show C++ portion? can you say example of library you trying to use?

Here is the c++:

    int UTestFunctions::TestDLLMultiplyByFour(int otherNumber)
    	typedef int(*_MultiplyByFour)(int res);
    	FString filePath = FPaths::Combine(*FPaths::GamePluginsDir(), TEXT("ThirdParty/CLR_TestLib.dll"));
    	void *DLLHandle = NULL;
    	if (FPaths::FileExists(filePath))
    		DLLHandle = FPlatformProcess::GetDllHandle(*filePath); // Retrieve the DLL.
    	if (DLLHandle != NULL)
    		_MultiplyByFour DLLFuncPtr = NULL;
    		FString procName = "MultiplyByFour";
    		DLLFuncPtr = (_MultiplyByFour)FPlatformProcess::GetDllExport(DLLHandle, *procName);
    		if (DLLFuncPtr != NULL)
    			int result = DLLFuncPtr(otherNumber);
    			return result;
    	return 0;

And the start of the crash log:

 CLR exception - code e0434352 (first/second chance not available)
UE4Editor_TestPlugin!UTestFunctions::TestDLLMultiplyByFour() [c:\users\morse\documents\unreal projects\myproject2\plugins\testplugin\source\testplugin\public\test1.cpp:58] 
UE4Editor_TestPlugin!UTestFunctions::execTestDLLMultiplyByFour() [c:\users\morse\documents\unreal projects\myproject2\plugins\testplugin\source\testplugin\public\test1.h:14] 
UE4Editor_CoreUObject!UFunction::Invoke() [d:\build\++ue4\sync\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\class.cpp:4861] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!UObject::CallFunction() [d:\build\++ue4\sync\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\scriptcore.cpp:816] 

The crash logs lists line 58 in my c++, which is the following line:

int result = DLLFuncPtr(otherNumber);

This same line works when calling a method from the wrapper dll that does not try to call a method from a ‘thirdparty’ dll.

I started this with the idea of maybe using something from Rhino Inside, which is currently available only as .NET. But to be honest it’s really just more of a learning exercise for me, so I’ll be happy with just getting my simple test ‘third party’ dll working.

@cwm83 Are your able to solve this problem. I am also getting the same problem. I am able to call the method which is available in direct dll. But, when i call the method which uses some function from third party dll, it crashes.

I am stuck in this.

Hi could you elaborate a bit more? I cannot seem to get the DLLFuncPtr to not return null…Is there a special setup you need to do with C# or C++ part of things?

I had the same problem when calling method from another dll. One workaround is putting dll files into the same folder as the Unreal Engine binary folder.

Found the workaround from here.

This worked for me ! Boss! u really resolve my problem! God bless u my dear bro!