Physics based Bone Movement possible?

Is it possible to move the Arm or Hand bone on click, to then always reset the cursor position to middle of the screen before and after movement?

I read small posts about this, but nothind definite in how to approach this.

Anyone that can help me understand how it works? How to drive bone movement with mouse.

Is it by using IK bonesetup, if so, how?

do you mean that you wish to move the mouse somewhere, then click to move and arm/bone to that location?

No I mean that when I click I activate the mouse, so I can control the arm with the mouse. Independent of animation.

So if I click and drag the mouse o the lower left corner or right corner it will move in a corresponding swing motion according to my mouse input.

So I was curious how to put this in myself. Here’s what I got

Here is the approach I took using third person template as a starting point.

  1. Accumulate Mouse Input in a duplicate third person character I call MouseIKCharacter. Do not add camera rotation when you’re moving your hand.

  1. Use the left mouse click to activate the mouse hand IK, when we release we return to normal behavior.

  1. Duplicate ThirdPersonAnimation blueprint, add the following graph to copy the state variables from our character into our animation blueprint. Note that I would normally abstract this using an interface so we can avoid a cast to a specific character type.

  1. In the animation graph, use a fabrik node where you take the local mouse movement input and multiply it by a scaling factor so you can tweak the output

where FABRIK details are given as

Final project available at GitHub - getnamo/UE4-MouseIKThirdPerson: Simple Unreal Engine third person template project with mouse click left arm movement.

Thank you so much! It was indeed what I was thinking of when asking the question!

Hey, this is very late buy how do you create the Mouse movement x and Mouse movement y Variables , and what variable type is it

Mouse Movement X/Y are both floats and member variables of MouseIKCharacter. See GitHub - getnamo/UE4-MouseIKThirdPerson: Simple Unreal Engine third person template project with mouse click left arm movement. for full example, you can explore the blueprints there.