Is it possible to dynamically choose a Data Table to load in Blueprint?

I have hundreds of Data Tables. Depending on the situation, data needs to be read from one of these tables. I would like to construct a string with the name of the correct table, and then load data from this table. This does not seem to be possible in Blueprint with the available nodes.

Here is my current setup for processing data from a SINGLE table:

I even have to select the name of the table in two different Nodes (leftmost and rightmost). It won’t let me connect the “Data Table” output to the “Data Table” input.
But more importantly, I can’t convert a dynamically generated string to a Data Table input. For each table I want to read data from, I need an instance of these five nodes in my Blueprint. Does not seem reasonable for a large number of Data Tables.

So my questions are:

  • How to process a large number of Data Tables in Blueprint?
  • Is there a way to convert a string to a Data Table reference that can be connected to the “Data Table” input of the “Get Data Table Row” node?
  • Is there actually any node that can be connected to this input? I couldn’t find any.
  • Can the setup shown in my screenshot be improved? Is there an easier way to get an array of the table row names?

I tried right clicking the Data Table pin in the Get Data Table Row blueprint but sadly there’s no way promote that to a variable as of 4.11

I’d love to be able to make data tables imported with the same struct a variable. ;w;

Hi - I think you can do this now? You can then have a “Data Table” Table with reference to all of the Data Tables!
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