Moving Platform relative to current position within a given Range


I am trying to make a system for platforms, in which I place a few moving platforms in the world and they move within a range at the spot they were placed. As an example:

Imagine the platform is placed at 10, 10, 10 in the world. I now wanna move it along the Y axis + and - 10 from the current position. But if I now place it at 30, 30, 30 it should take that position and move it + and - 10 on the Y axis. I did this before in Unity with no problems, so I tried to use similar logic using the blueprint system in UE4.

Here is my approach, but for some reason nothing happens within the world. All platforms stay still 0 movement is seen. In my head this blueprint seems logical, but I am still very new to acutally mechanisms in blueprints. So far I am only good with material blueprints.

Any help is greatly appreciated and please no matinee, I want this to be pure blueprint (as far as possible).

Thanks in advance
Kind Regards


Hmm that might be it, I just added a mesh to the blue print and thought it would automatically reference that. I will try this once I am back on my PC, and for the second question. Its suppose to be constantly moving (for now) so I think using Event Tick should be the right choice. :slight_smile: Thanks already :slight_smile:

Your platforms are they components? because you Move Component To component pin is empty. Also shouldn’t this logic be triggered instead of ticked?

Hi man , this is on my first Platform selfmoving.
you can give him a Distance , a direction (vector). and a speed(changing the X in the DO1onX)
It will go endlessy forward and back.

Hope this help you .