C++ code to load/play skel mesh component animation

Looking for minimal C++ code to load and play an animation on a skeletal mesh. To make it easy just fill in the ???:

// initializing the mesh and animation in an actor's constructor
FString uniqueName;
const char* meshAssetName;
const char* animationAssetName;

USkeletalMeshComponent* newMesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<USkeletalMeshComponent>(FName(*uniqueName));
RootComponent = newMesh;
ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<USkeletalMesh> newAsset(ANSI_TO_TCHAR(meshAssetName));

if (newAsset.Succeeded())
      // how to load and assign a single animation here given "animationAssetName"

// playing the animation during run time

Do not care about blending. Just 1 mesh, 1 animation, and Play(). Should be easy right? The documentation for this seems lacking though and I cannot find a simple example like this. ;(

Found it: