UMG - Text Shadow Doesn't Update With Visibility/Location Change

Think this has occurred for multiple builds, but only just noticed it.

Text Shadows don’t seem to follow the text around if the widgets screen location moves, or if it’s visibility changes. For example, the widget below is hidden at first then made visible by the gameplay, but the shadow never shows up as you can see.

Hello ,

I went ahead and ran a test with the information provided and was unable to reproduce this issue on our end. I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed set of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Could you provide screen shots of any other widgets/ blueprints that may be involved with this issue?

Hello ,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you.